Gameweek 10/2013: Steam

Live session on Wednesday and games in

We played Steam at the N-BGC game night with four players. None of us had played the game much and rules explanation took a long time. US map is a noninteresting if you ask me because it’s balanced too well. In our game two players ended up doing most of the time their own stuff and the other two played against each other. I was one of the lone builders and ended up on second place far behind the winner but also confortably in front of the duo left last.

Steam is an interesting game and it would be great to play it a bit more often. More plays would definitely make it easier to gather points in the game and I could probably also get rid of the very stupid mistakes. But all and all that’s what I could say about most of the games I own and reality is that these games are not going to hit the table often enough that I’d become an expert in them.

Steam played at N-BGC
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